Learning to Ask and Accept H-E-L-P
I get it. Who likes to ask for help when they have questions or are struggling with an idea or life challenge? Who likes to reach out to...

Feeling Stuck?
Imagine you're facing a major life choice-- whether to move across the country, grow your family, or quit your job and start your own...

6 Simple Self-Care Tips That Changed My Life
Believe me when I say that I intend to be on this earth for a long, long time. I want to watch my kids grow up. I plan to write many...

How to Halt Doom-scrolling
It's midnight and you can't put your device down. You scroll through the neverending posts of bad and even worse news, wishing for a ray...

Essential Sources to Reduce Fear and Boost Vitality
As this year comes to an end, many people are walking around feeling anxious with the holiday season being here. Stress, anxiety,...

Reclaiming Your Energy
Fatigue is a common complaint these days. Whether we're experiencing sleeplessness, anxiety, excessive stress, or a low-grade case of the...

Date Night
For many busy couples, especially those with children, date night often becomes a freak act of nature, one that occurs only when work and...

Are Your Stuck in Overdrive?
I have always described myself as someone who is non-stop, on the go (all the time), and is always working on what is next to come. But,...

Reset Your Stress Response
I see a lot of dark under-eye circles on the faces of clients in my practice and I am not a cosmetic surgeon. My clients typically see me...

Beginning With You
If you are like me, you are probably wondering what lies ahead, what do future times look like and what can you do about it? There lies...