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5 Ways To Connect With Your True Self

Who are you really? What have you accomplished in life? What are your goals? What are your hobbies? Have you taken the time to plan out your goals for the the next year? Maybe 5 years? What do you want your life to look like in the next 10 years? The problem with today's society is that not many people take the time to think about these questions. Many simply abide by their daily routine and hope that there is progress by the end of each day but towards what? What are people working towards? What do they want to achieve in life? What would YOU like to achieve in life and what are you doing about it? Below you will find 5 tips for which you can start practicing in order to connect with your true self and true desires.

1. Spend about 15min. ALONE each day

Use this time to plan what you hope to achieve by the end of each day. Take the time to ask yourself questions such as: are you happy with your life? What do you plan to do for that day that your tomorrow will thank you for? Have you made someone smile yet? Are you eating healthy? Exercising? If not, think about how your life can change should you begin to apply that on a daily basis? What are your short and long term goals? Grab a notepad and write down what comes to mind when you ask yourself these questions.


Every day you have a choice. You can choose to keep on your daily routine or you can choose to change it up in order to alter and live a happier life. Be sure to nourish your body by incorporating exercise on a daily basis. It can be any type of exercise. For as long as your body is moving, you are detoxing, shedding old layers and improving your life. Start slow and don't dread it. Exercise is fatiguing, but while you are working out, be sure to remind yourself that this is FOR YOU and that beautiful body of yours so that you can live many years, be healthy and on the plus side, you save money on medical bills. Be your own doctor, it is the best gift you can give to yourself.

3. Talk to your LOVED ONES.

Be sure that on a daily basis you are connecting with someone who means everything to you. Remind them of how much you love them and how much they mean to you. By doing so, not only are you opening your heart to them but you become more genuine and authentic to the point where others will begin to see that and respond back to you in ways you'd least expect them to. Live the present moment and regardless if your loved ones are near or far, pick up the phone and tell them how much they mean to you. Always bring a smile to your loved ones, it will nurture your heart as well.


Ok, so you don't need to get on a plane and travel for you to better connect with yourself. Simply look up a nearby city/town you have yet to explore and GO! Look up any events that are going on in your area, go on GROUPON or StubHub and buy yourself tickets to an event that you have yet to experience. Traveling refreshes the mind, refreshes the soul and most importantly, it will remind you of just how much fun you are and how spontaneous you can be! Explore other cultures, and merge into the culture and experience. This will allow you to open your eyes to other things that encompass this beautiful world. There is SO MUCH to explore and it is all in your hands for you to choose from. All you have to do is CHOOSE your next destination so that you are able to pack and go! There is nothing more beautiful than rewarding yourself with new adventures and experiences. Oh, and if you are like me, take A LOT of pictures!

5. Think about who you ADMIRE as a ROLE MODEL in life and LEARN more about them

Oprah, Marie Forleo, Gabrielle Bernstein.... these are just some of my role models and women I look up to. They are successful, strong and ambitious women. What do these women have that I admire them so much for? How and why do I connect with them? Why do they keep me engaged and what can I do to one day be like them? The more I learn about them, the more I realize that I connect with them in many different levels encompassing my life. Therefore, think about who are some leaders/role models that you admire and/or would like to learn more about them as to how they got to be where they are today and learn from them. Spend some time researching them and see how you connect with them. What can you do to reach a success as they did? Never settle.

These are just some key points that will help you discover and connect with your true self. The best investment you can do is in yourself and in your happiness. Try to invest on your long term goals so that you can begin living the life you'd like to live! The best gifts you can receive will come from YOU, you just have to come up with an action plan and begin to work towards your goals. Every day is a new opportunity and a blank new page! Decide to manifest all that you want. You have that power and no one else can do it for you.

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