The Madness is in Your Head

The bottleneck is always at the top of the bottle! And most, of our barriers-madness-limitations exist in our heads long before they ever live in our reality. Your brain is where your mind lives, and letting go of your limitations is a matter of mind set. In order for you to change your life, you must be prepared to change your mind. Only when you are willing to think beyond your present life situation can you dramatically improve the quality of the rest of your life.
You have all heard the expression "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Well, it's true. Most of us go through life without even coming close to using our mental capacity to the maximum. The more you engage your mind and use it like a tool to improve your life and bust your barriers, the more fulfilling your life will be. I wish I could remember where I picked up the following slice of wisdom because I believe that it speaks to the very heart of just how important it is to take charge of the environment in which our minds dwell.:
Leaders are like eagles. They don't flock; you find them one at a time.
Control your thoughts for they will become your words.
Control your words for they will become your actions.
Control your habits for they will become your characters.
Control your character for it will become your destiny.
Letting go of your madness is a head space, an attitude and a decision to no longer accept the situations, people, and things that hold you back. And the big shift from where you are to where you want to be starts with the quality of your thoughts. Everything else you will create in your life will flow directly from the way you think. If you want a different life experience, you must be willing to think on another level. Your previous thoughts account for the behaviors that have created the life you have right now. Change your thoughts going forward and those new thoughts will create new behaviors, behaviors that will alter your life and free you of personal and professional limitations.
All barrier busting is about your desire to move forward, in spite of the limitations of the past. Barrier busting is all about direction. To free yourself of a past filled with madness and chaos, all of your mental energy has to be centered on moving forward rather than being anchored in old thoughts, and behaviors. For you to advance beyond your present place, regardless of how long you have been stuck in that place, you must think act, and vividly imagine yourself on the other side of where you currently are. When you think, act, and imagine yourself beyond your present place, your life will begin to move forward in a positive and constructive way. Now is the time to fully engage the power of your mind and utilize that power to create a better and future for yourself.
When you engage your imagination and vividly envision where you want to be, you have taken the first step in realizing all of your dreams. So to change where and how you are in life, you must change what you see in your mind's eye. The subconscious mind is the part of your mind that works like a robot. That means that your subconscious mind works for you and is powered by repetition, your imagination, and your decisions. Even better, your subconscious mind always accepts your desires as attainable and always responds with a yes when you desire something. It does not question, it just delivers what you want.
Whatever you imbed in your subconscious mind is accepted as truth, and whatever you accept as your truth can ultimately become your reality. That's right; you can use the power of your mind to think your way to greatness, to rid yourself of life's barriers, and to alter your destiny. All you have to do is get a crystal clear image of what you want in your life and where you want to be. Once you lock on to your desires, almost as if by magic you can attract into your life all of the opportunities that will allow you to get what you want. Now that's powerful! Change your mind and change your life. Change your mind and you reshape your destiny.