Stop Re-creating The Same Experience Over and Over!

An important concept that successful people understand is that you are never stuck. You just keep re-creating the same experience over and over by thinking the same thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs, speaking the same words, and doing the same things. Too often, we get stuck in an endless loop of reinforcing behaviors, which keeps us stuck in a constant downward spiral. Our limiting thoughts create images in our minds, and those images govern our behavior, which in turn reinforces that limiting thought. Imagine thinking that you are going to forget your lines when you have a presentation at work. The thought stimulates a picture of you forgetting a key point. The image creates an experience of fear. The fear clouds your clear thinking, which makes you forget one of your key points, which reinforces your self-talk that you can't speak in front of groups.
As long as you keep complaining about your present circumstances, your mind will focus on it. By continually talking about it, thinking about it, and writing about the way things are, you are continually reinforcing those very same neural pathways in your brain that got you where you are today. And you are continually sending out the same vibrations that will keep attracting the same people and circumstances that you have already created.
To change this cycle, you must first focus instead on thinking, talking, and writing about the reality you want to create. You must flood your unconscious with thoughts and images of this new reality.