Finding Your Bananas

Fact: We all have bananas, things that hold us back. If you cannot see yours, you are just not trying. Denying that you have obstacles that stand in the way of making a better life for yourself and your loved ones will not make your life situation better. In fact, refusing to admit to yourself that you are stuck can seriously diminish your way of living. If you are uncertain about what your barriers are, just ask someone you love and trust to point them out to you. Be prepared not to like or agree with what you hear. Facing up to the reality of who you are can often be painful as well as eye opening. Yes, the truth can hurt, but getting into the pain of reality is healthy even though it is uncomfortable. It has been said that the true measure of a person is often determined by how much truth he/she can take without having his/hers feelings hurt. Face it: you have roadblocks and obstacles that are getting in the way of living the life you desire the most. And until you are ready, willing, and able to accept the fact that you probably have an entire bunch of bananas to let go of, very little change and improvement can or will occur in life.
Bananas come in all shapes and sizes. In fact, some of your bananas are actually shaped like people. Some bananas are real, while others are perceptions and exist only in your imagination. Whether real or perceived, a barrier is a barrier, and those barriers stand in your way of a better future. If you carefully examine the things that are holding you back, I believe you will find that most of your barriers have been created in two different ways: you either created them on your own to remain safe and comfortable, or, intentionally or unintentionally, you bought into another person's viewpoint of you and your potential. Regardless of whether your barriers are big or small, real or vividly imagine, self created or dumped on you by another person, you get to decide whether you want to tolerate them or go beyond them. Tolerating them and leaving your barriers exactly as they are means that you have chosen to remain in sameness. Selecting to go beyond your present place indicates that you are working in the direction of creating a better life for yourself. All success in life begins with a decision. And deciding that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to go around, under, through, or over your barriers is the beginning point of a better and brighter future.