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Increase Your Resourcefulness

Letting go of your personal and professional limitations requires that you establish a clear set of priorities about what is important to you. Only when you are crystal clear about what you really want can you create a strategy that, when followed, will take you beyond any obstacles that lie in your path. Prioritizing your desires allows you to focus your energy on the things that are most important for you to attain and moves less important issues to the back burner. Until you are prepared to identify the things that matter most to you at the expense of those things that are not quite so important you will remain stuck with so many limiting beliefs. Start by making a list of what you want. Then start paring down your list until you have identified the things that matter most in terms of improving the overall quality of your life. Remember, you can think only one thought at a time. The more you focus on letting go of one limited belief at a time, the more success you will attain.

Once you know exactly what you want, the only thing that stands in your way is how you are going to get it. This is where your level of personal resourcefulness comes in. To get from where you are right now to wherever you want to be, you must create a burning desire that fuels your every move. This internal fire has to be fueled by passion in order for you to achieve greatness in your life and blast through your personal barriers. People who are passionate about what they want will always find the personal resolve to overcome any obstacle. Passionate people are non-limited humans. They are so focused on their outcomes of their desires that they totally invest their life in the achievement of their goals. Any barrier that stands in their way is looked upon as a minor inconvenience that they have to overcome on the way on getting what they want. In short, if you want to bust your barriers and improve your life, you really have to be passionate about your desires.

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