Everyone Has a Story....

Life is like a bunch of bananas, some are good and some are rotten. My goal is to help you identify the areas, situations, circumstances, and people in your life that you need to let go of. They represent the bananas that you are better off without. At the same time, you can select all of the positive bananas in your bunch and enjoy the sweetness they add to your life.
We have a bunch of bananas, and each rotting banana in our bunch represents an area in our life where we are limited, settling, or just plain stuck. Perhaps we are stuck with old behaviors or false beliefs. Maybe our obstacles are very real or our just vividly imagined. The bananas we hold on to may be of our own making or thrust upon us by others. What matters most is that each one of us clings to some things that prevent us from getting some of the things we want most in our lives.
Consider the following: at the very moment you decide to let go of your bananas and move beyond the barriers that hold you back, you can live the life of your dreams. The more people I meet, the more intrigued I become with the many ways people can overcome the obstacles that are in the way of getting what they want. I do believe that each of us has a unique destiny, a special reason why we were put here, a mission to fulfill and a grand purpose for our existence.
Everyone has a story. And each of our stories seems to explain perfectly our existence and our present condition in life. Have you ever wondered what series of coincidences and events brought you to the place where you find yourself right now? Have you ever stopped to consider that the universe has a grand design for you? There is one, you know-- a grand design for you. At this very moment you are exactly where you are supposed to be, doing those things you are supposed to be doing, like reading this post.
And while the story of your past may be interesting, exciting, challenging, or just plain depressing, your future has yet to be written. Well, your future begins right now.