The Importance of Having a Vision in Life

Do you find yourself loving what you do in life? Do you find yourself sharing with others the key to your happiness? or do you find yourself following the same routine every day and feeling fatigued? Perhaps you feel a little under the weather? Well, did you know that the feeling of fatigue, boredom, sadness and anger can relate to not living a purposeful life. Have you ever reached a point in your life where you are just FED UP with everything? I know I have. Well, that very moment is an indication of not having a clear vision for what you want your life to look like.
Often times, we get so comfortable with just doing what we are supposed to be doing for work or our families, or anything other than what WE want to be doing. Sometimes, I can't help but to think, what would we do if we could do anything that brings us peace and happiness. Many would respond that they would go on vacation. That response in itself is a form of escape which implies that you are not living your ideal life. Do you really need to go on vacation to be happy and at peace? No, but because so many people live their life based on a schedule or routine, they don't know any other way out because there is no vision.
You see, it is easier to let others and society depict what our life should look like. However, what we tend to do is simply abide by that and we loose ourselves in things that deep down don't really even matter to us. But yet, we are "expected" to do them. How boring and sad is that? One of the things that has helped me in my personal life is creating a vision board. I have a vision board placed above my fireplace at home and I look at it on a daily basis. This serves as a reminder as to all the things that are coming into my life because remember, when you set your intentions, you manifest what you want! I would like to invite you all to take a moment to sit and think as to what you want your life to look like. I would encourage you to take a note pad and try to answer the following questions:
1) Are you happy with your life?
2) Are you living an ordinary life or an extraordinary life?
3) Do you feel fatigued and/or sad most days?
4) Do you celebrate yourself doing the things you love to do? If so, how often?
5) If you could have anything in the world, what would it be and what do you need to do to obtain it?
I would also encourage you all to take a few moments of your day and think about how you can improve your day, your happiness, your thoughts and intentions. Everyday is a work in progress and every day, you are one day closer to obtaining all that you want! You have the power to manifest and create everything you desire in your life. Remember, it all begins with YOU.