Strong is the New Pretty

In life, we are faced with unexpected obstacles at unexpected times. These are the moments that serve as a test of our endurance, our strength and our faith. These are also the times where you have to make a decision as to whether you want to stay where you are and settle or make peace with your current situation and move on to a new phase of life. Is it easy? No, not at all. I would be lying if I said it was. But, remember nothing great comes in easy. In fact, it is work and it is time. Time will allow you to heal, forgive and let go. Time will also grant you the opportunity to reflect a lot on yourself and explore yourself as the powerful human being that you are.
Here are 5 tips for you to become stronger than ever:
1. Dismiss, block and say goodbye to anything that reminds you of the past.
YES! This is a must. It's like a breakup with your past. They say, after a break up in a relationship, you should implement the no contact rule for however many days the love gurus say. But, in this case, you are breaking up with your past and must dismiss, block and say goodbye to anything that no longer serves you. Remember, you shouldn't be chasing what is meant for you. If something is meant for you, it will show up back in your life for good. In the meantime, don't waste your time or energy, dismiss it, block it and say goodbye to it. You could be loosing on the present moment and the gifts it has to offer.
2. Do what you love to do.
What do you have a passion for? What do you love to do? What is on your bucket list? Whatever it is, DO IT. Life is too short and if we keep on waiting, well, let's hope we aren't waiting forever. Do the things you love to do NOW. Don't wait to do them with someone, or don't wait until pay day. If finances are a problem, see what you can do in order to get some extra money in your pocket. For instance, last week I went through my whole closet and selected the clothes that I no longer wore. I brought it into a buy back store and got extra cash for it! How sweet! You can get creative and get rid of what you no longer need! What are you waiting for? It's time to start doing what you love to do.
3. Take a happy selfie.
Yes, I know, it sounds corny BUT, take a happy selfie and smile as wide as you can (genuinely). Then, post it on your wall or somewhere you can see it on a daily basis. This way, you are reminded about how beautiful and great you look when you are happy. Don't loose sight of that smile regardless of what may await throughout the day. You always have the choice to decide how you want to react to life's circumstances.
4. Read a good book.
A lot of times, we gain insight from our friends and family members as to how to approach certain things in life. Although there is nothing wrong with that, we can begin to branch out and instead, gain insight from some famous and great authors. Many of these authors write their books that contain so much wisdom and knowledge and yet, we are missing out on what they think or have to say. So, choose wisely and decide to pick up a book that will inspire you and hopefully change your life.
5. Learn something new.
I know that there have been moments in our life where we wish we knew how to do something. So.... this is your opportunity! Decide to go kickboxing or decide to go to a painting class and bring out your creativity side. Recently, I picked up kick boxing as something I wanted to learn to do and I must say, it has changed me both inside and out and I have gained so much confidence, strength and motivation! There are so many things out there that you can learn to do and when you have selected what you wish to do, become really good at it. This will challenge you to tap down into your deep inner self and bring out the best of you!
There are so many things in life that you can do to gain the strength that you need in order to move forward in life. I can't promise that each day will be full of sunshine and smiles, but even if they aren't remember to be gentle with yourself during the process. It is not an easy process and sometimes, there will be days where you will want to give up or maybe question why is it that you are doing what you are doing. Don't settle. Remember, you are your own cheerleader and will attract abundance and happiness in your life when you are feeling complete and happy on the inside. This is only a gift that you can give to yourself. No one else can give you this gift. So remember, live your life, love your life and treasure your life. You have only this one life to live.