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People In Your Life Show Up For A Reason

Have you ever experienced a loss of someone or something where you just wish things had turned out differently? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were forced to let things go without having any control or decision over a particular matter? I've been there. I've been there to now learn that things always happen for a reason. Life will show you your potential and life will also challenge you. However, it is important to remember our worth, and also how certain people in our lifetime made us feel. Saying goodbye isn't always easy, but it will certainly help build a stronger foundation for the type of person you were meant to be.

Never in a million years did I ever think to meet someone so goal oriented, so strong and ambitious and to top it off, someone so smart. He was someone who made me want to be better and someone who always pushed me to be the best. He was a good friend of mine. Until, he asked me to be his girlfriend, then of course, things changed. Not once for a second did I think that I was living real life because with him, I was floating on clouds. He just made me the happiest person alive.

It wasn't until we both received news that would bring this all to an end. It was news that neither one of us had control over but rather, we knew that in order to make things right, the relationship had to end. Unfortunately, it involved his father being on a death bed. This was the most heartbreaking, and devastating period for which neither one of us could bare, needless to say, there was no time to be in a relationship when his focus was his dad.

It wasn't easy to say goodbye to a type of relationship that you always dreamed of, but when you know that it is the right thing to do, sometimes, you just have to let it go. So that is exactly what happened. Life took us on different paths and looking back, he is someone who brought valuable lessons into my life about myself. For one, I never thought I was strong enough to let go. I never thought I was deserving of such strong and genuine love. I never thought I would find a person like him. But needless to say, he showed me everything that I do deserve and for that, if I were to ever see him again, I would thank him endlessly.

There are some people that come into your life for a short period of time to teach you something new about yourself. Then there are people that come into your life to challenge you. Either way, we never stop learning regardless of how painful the experience may be. We must always be thankful because these are the experiences that are helping us to open new doors in our lives. Just remember, we are all deserving of true and genuine love and above all, we deserve to be happy.

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