Not Every Failure is a Failure

It is a new month, which means new goals and new perspectives! Shed the old and bring on the new! I know, it is all easier said than done. But, it is exciting to know that every day is a brand new beginning. Let's face it, we all have goals we want to achieve, and if you don't, it is time to create some! However, we aren't all successful at meeting our goals or visions 100% of the time, and that is OK! Unfortunately, there are moments in time when we fail to succeed, when we fail to meet our goals and when we fail to meet our needs and wants. This is all a part of life. The question is, what are YOU going to do about it to meet your goals and succeed at everything you wish to do?
Most times, we blame ourselves and self-sabotage because we let our anger and fear take over and empower our minds. But did you know that failing overall is a part of life? If you don't fail, then when and how do you learn from life? Let's think back to a time when you were in school and perhaps did not perform so well on an exam. How did you feel? Who did you reach out to? Failing is not always a good feeling but as you grow older, you become wiser, and you begin to learn that you had to fail in order to learn how to do things differently. Failing becomes more significant and we carefully begin to unfold the blessing that failing brings to us about life. Behind every failing experience, there is a blessing and lesson in disguise.
This is why, if you fail, fail with pride. Earlier, I used the example of performance in an exam, but the concept of failing with pride is applicable to all areas of our life. For instance, think about relationships. If a relationship fails, yes, it is hard, it hurts and it is painful. But, with time and healing, you discover that you deserve better, you are worthy of love and you had to go through such hardship in order to become clear with what kind of person you want to attract in your life as your partner. A relationship could have failed for many reasons but from these reasons, you learn and grow as an individual. You begin to reflect more on your actions and thought processes and begin to realize that actually, you did all that you could, and whether you had faults or not, at that moment in time, you didn't know any better. But, that relationship had to end in order for you to meet the right person. So, if you failed, be sure to know that you have failed with pride, because you deserve nothing but love.
Remember, not every failure is a failure, it is an experience, and a lesson in disguise!